Planning Health Promotion Programs

Developing an evidence-informed program is an essential part of program planning in health promotion. Planning includes strategic program and operational planning components, as well as a series of decisions based on collecting and analyzing a wide range of information.


The new edition of the Planning Health Promotion Programs Introductory Workbook helps readers understand and navigate the six steps needed to plan an evidence-informed health promotion program. The workbook features interactive worksheets, additional examples, supplementary resources and tips. This is the first edition to contain health equity information. 

Public Health Ontario (PHO) wishes to acknowledge the historical contributions of the National Collaborating Centre of Methods and Tools at McMaster University towards the Online Health Program Planner – a resource cited and adapted to inform the content of this workbook.

To access the new workbook

  1. Click on the Workbook.
  2. Select Open.
  3. Click Extract All.

The interactive workbook and worksheets replace the Online Health Program Planner, which will no longer be available as of early 2019.



PHO Rounds: Nail Salon Workers Project at Parkdale Queen West Community Health Center (CHC): An example of community-driven public health

This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds describes the progression of the project, illustrating how the CHC model has been leveraged to support public and occupational health through programs and academic partnerships.

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Updated 22 Oct 2019